Health & Safety Precautionary Measures

At Creative Science Schools, students’ safety comes first. In collaboration with the UAE local authorities and health and safety partners, including disinfecting agents, we assure all our families that our premises are in full compliance with all measures.
In our efforts in keeping education safe at our schools, our academic teams provide in-person and distance learning education in a safe learning environment conducive to the needs of all our families.

- Parents can use the parent portal for up-to-date information about their kids and school activities.
- Parents can use the parent portal to access timetables, exam results, school reports, attendance reports, homework, weekly plans, clinic reports and visits, and more.
- A newly introduced uniform purchase portal is available to enable the online purchasing of uniforms and will also include a size chart and home delivery options.

- For fee payment, parents can use iRusum, while the Hot Oven mobile app will be at the parents’ disposal to manage canteen accounts online, allowing parents to view the school’s canteen menu, select/pre-order meals, and pay their canteen fees, from the comfort of their homes.
Tips & Advises From
Our Health
& Safety Manager
Health and Safety Manager, Bukhatir Education
We encourage frequent and correct hand hygiene—particularly after sneezing or coughing, before and after eating, after sensory play, and after going to the washrooms. We educate the children to cough and sneeze into their sleeves, (not their hands) or use tissues to shield their faces. The cleaning staff performs a thorough cleaning and disinfecting, especially on the frequently touched areas such as doorknobs, stair rails, telephones, computer keyboards, and bathroom faucets and fixtures throughout our school, on a daily routine.
Remember cold and influenza are the most contagious during the first 48 hours. Monitor your children to determine if it is safe to send them to school as your child should be physically able to participate in all school activities on return to school. Keeping a sick child at home will help minimise the spread of infections and viruses in the classroom. Thank you in advance for helping us keep our school community as healthy as possible.