Why every school needs an active PTA

The Dubai’s International School of Creative Sciences aims for academic excellence by nurturing creative and critical thinking skills in its students. As a British curriculum school in Dubai, our teaching and learning techniques are based on a wide variety of subjects such as Arabic, Islamic Studies, English, and STEM fields. Our mission is to develop strong minded individuals with a firm set of morals and ready them for global society.
Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a vital tool in our quest to achieve these goals. In addition to its preliminary functions, such as organising fundraisers and social events for parents and children, the PTA works to bring change to our schools. The PTA works in tandem with our faculty to support and enhance the school’s curriculum, which is also designed to teach traditional Islamic values to our students.
A child’s education is a three-way process, needing attention from all parties: the student, the teacher, and the parents. The PTA can help bridge communication gaps between school administrators and parents, allowing them to interact and exchange ideas, and therefore, build a mutual trust and confidence. The existence of a PTA allows our school to utilise dedicated parents as volunteers in executing school improvement strategies.
There has been a lot of research that has linked active participation from parents in school activities to improved academic and extra-curricular performance in students. For example, a 2002 research review found that the more parents became involved in community activities focusing on student learning, the more progress their children tended to make in school.
As an active organisation filled with dedicated parents and teachers, the PTA also helps boost students’ well-being. It focuses on what every child needs to succeed, whether that need is in their learning, in their nutrition and health, in physical and mental fitness, or in school security.
In addition to its benefits to the school, the PTA also helps a network of parents connect with each other and exchange firsthand knowledge about their child’s progress in school. It allows parents to have a more hands-on approach in their child’s education and gives them a platform to make positive change.
As a British curriculum school in Dubai, we believe that the PTA is a catalyst for positive change and represents the voices of hundreds of parents and teachers. We, therefore, give the PTA utmost importance and encourage all parents to participate actively in their child’s education process so that we all are able to achieve our mission.