Higher Primary Parent's Involvement

Parents are a valuable, if sometimes untapped, resource and a cornerstone in a child’s education. Research has shown that two-thirds of teachers consider parental involvement to be beneficial in encouraging positive achievement and promoting a sense of community and involvement.
Parental involvement can take many forms of participation
This includes attending school functions such as plays or sports competitions to responding to obligations such as parent teacher conferences. They can also participate by helping their children with schoolwork, arranging study sessions, monitoring assignments or tutoring. They can also serve as advocates by volunteering in school functions or extracurricular programs or helping with fund-raising initiatives.
Parental involvement is linked with a child’s engagement
The more parents have been involved in their children’s (school) lives, they have found that their children have shown improved behaviour, regular attendance and an overall positive attitude towards education. Their involvement with their children has shown to be increasingly important, from academics, to social and psychological development. Research indicates that parental involvement demonstrates not only caring and interest but the importance of education which is recognised by students. Children learn by modeling behaviour and having their parents involved in different aspects of their schooling will help them appreciate the necessity of an education.
Parents provide a much-needed support system
The right support system will help ensure that parents and children are working together when facing highs and lows. When sensitive to their needs and concerns, parents can be a reassuring presence for children to turn to. This will help strengthen the bond and can potentially deepen the relationship with children and their teachers, too. Additionally, parental involvement can help motivate children, nurturing their self-esteem, promoting self-confidence and inculcating discipline.
At the International School of Creative Science: Muwaileh, a British curriculum school in UAE, higher primary parental involvement has already been initiated. The English department in Higher Primary has joined forces with the member of the Parent Council to promote integration and effective communication. The initial network was established during the English department Book Week when PTA chairman and parents volunteered in the reading and scavenger hunting activities. This successful collaboration has led to more PTA members and volunteers joining the school community. Additionally, the Parent Council has also been given a wider platform to raise their profile and awareness and PTA volunteers have increased to 15. At ISCS, Muwaileh, we continue to encourage and embrace parental involvement; these parents model school ethos, embrace its values, foster a sense of community and have taken a further active role by organising a Reading Club and an Art and Craft Club which are part of the enrichment program (ECA) run solely by the PTA team.