Home or abroad: Higher education in the UAE vs Europe and the U.S.

While there are now a host of top academic institutions in the country, the prospect of life and study abroad is still an attractive option for students once they have completed UAE secondary school. With over half of the world’s top 200 universities located in either the USA or the UK, it’s no surprise that many end up choosing between these two countries. But there are some significant differences between the two. Below we look at the major differences you need to know.
What will you study?
From a strictly educational viewpoint, there are significant differences between the UK and US. The US curriculum for at least the first year will mirror a similar curriculum to a UAE secondary school. Students study a wide number of subjects, choosing their major at the end of the first year or even in the second year. Even after, there will still be a broad range of other subjects to complete, known as ‘electives.’
By contrast, UK universities tend to focus purely on one subject, giving students more in-depth knowledge of their chosen subject.
How will you study?
Because the US system is focused on providing students with a wide range of skills, each course will contain required regular readings, classes and assignments that contribute towards the final grade at the end of the semester.
Study in the UK is a lot more independent, with the emphasis on lectures and independent study. Your final grade for the year is usually purely on the end of semester exam.
How long will you be there?
A graduate degree in the US and in Scotland will take four years, a year longer than the UK where the majority of degrees will take 3 years.
How much will you pay?
Typically, your fees in the US will be higher than the UK. The actual fee will vary depending on the specific institution, with the more prestigious institutions demanding higher tuition rates. For example, the current yearly tuition fee for attending Harvard is over $45,000, with this fee rising to just shy of $68,000 if your accommodation and food is included. The average yearly tuition fee at a US institution for a foreign student is around $35,000.
Like the US, UK universities have variable price depending on the institution but also your chosen subject. If you have EU citizenship, for the time being, your fees will cost $13,000 per year. It’s unknown how Britain leaving the EU will affect fees in the coming years. Typically the fees for a middle ranking university will be in the region of $18,000 - $20,000. If you have an interest in studying medicine, you can expect to pay significantly higher fees.
As students, while both countries offer a high standard of education, it’s important from an academic standpoint to assess which learning environment is more suited to your needs.